Class NeticaError


public class NeticaError
extends java.lang.Object

A class that holds information on errors that occurred while Netica was attempting some operation (which become part of the NeticaException thrown), or on warnings or other status reports of successful Netica operations.

This class has no public constructor. You obtain instances from a NeticaException by calling NeticaException.getNeticaErrors, or, in the case of warnings, by calling the static method NeticaError.getWarnings.

5.04 - January 21, 2012

Field Summary
static int ERROR_ERR

Event occurred at "error" level - operation not properly finished, but no internal inconsistencies (e.g., user error, didn't finish process).


Your program indicated the error.


The error did not occur within native Netica itself, but in the JAVA API wrapper layer.


An inconsistent finding was entered into a Node.

static int NOTHING_ERR

Not anything.

static int NOTICE_ERR

Notice of something unusual.

static int OUT_OF_MEMORY_CND

System did not have enough memory to complete operation.

static int REPORT_ERR

Not an error, but a report of success.


User halted the method before it completed (not possible when using a Netica API version without the user interface).

static int WARNING_ERR

Event occurred at "warning" level - safe to proceed (e.g., user error, recovered okay).

static int XXX_ERR

Internal error, things left inconsistent - continuing could crash system.

Method Summary
 int getIdNumber()

Returns the error number identifying this error.

 java.lang.String getMessage()

Returns a message explaining the error.

 int getSeverity()

Returns the severity level of this error (one of NOTHING_ERR, REPORT_ERR, NOTICE_ERR, WARNING_ERR, ERROR_ERR, or XXX_ERR).

static java.util.Vector getWarnings(int severity, Environ env)

Returns a vector of all the NeticaErrors in env that are at the severity level severity or higher.

 boolean isInCategory(int errcnd)

Returns a boolean to indicate whether this error was caused by the condition errcnd.

 java.lang.String toString()

Returns a readable string representation of this error.

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail

public static final  int ERROR_ERR 
Event occurred at "error" level - operation not properly finished, but no internal inconsistencies (e.g., user error, didn't finish process). See getSeverity.

public static final  int NOTHING_ERR 
Not anything. A good value for "severity" before anything has occurred. See getSeverity.

public static final  int NOTICE_ERR 
Notice of something unusual. See getSeverity.

public static final  int REPORT_ERR 
Not an error, but a report of success. See getSeverity.

public static final  int WARNING_ERR 
Event occurred at "warning" level - safe to proceed (e.g., user error, recovered okay). See getSeverity.

public static final  int XXX_ERR 
Internal error, things left inconsistent - continuing could crash system. See getSeverity.

public static final  int FROM_DEVELOPER_CND 
Your program indicated the error. See isInCategory.

public static final  int FROM_WRAPPER_CND 
The error did not occur within native Netica itself, but in the JAVA API wrapper layer. See isInCategory.

public static final  int INCONS_FINDING_CND 
An inconsistent finding was entered into a Node. The finding did not agree with the model (Net) or with other findings according to the model. See isInCategory.

public static final  int OUT_OF_MEMORY_CND 
System did not have enough memory to complete operation. See isInCategory and Environ.setMemoryUsageLimit.

public static final  int USER_ABORTED_CND 
User halted the method before it completed (not possible when using a Netica API version without the user interface). See isInCategory.

Method Detail
public int getIdNumber ( )
Returns the error number identifying this error.

This method is available in all versions.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named ErrorNumber_ns.
See Also:
isInCategory    Returns a more general categorization of the error
getMessage    Returns a complete error message

public String getMessage ( )
Returns a message explaining the error.

The message will start with the name of the Netica API method which was executing when the error occurred (the one you called, not any that are called internally), followed by a colon, and then a descriptive part. Generally the descriptive part is not just a generic message corresponding to the error number, but rather names the elements involved, and describes what went wrong.


This method is available in all versions.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named ErrorMessage_ns.
See Also:
getIdNumber    Returns the error's identification number
getSeverity    Returns how serious the error is
isInCategory    Returns what kind of error it is

public int getSeverity ( )
Returns the severity level of this error (one of NOTHING_ERR, REPORT_ERR, NOTICE_ERR, WARNING_ERR, ERROR_ERR, or XXX_ERR).

This returns an indicator of how serious the error is.

These are some of the values, in order from least to most serious, that may be returned:
NOTHING_ERR    Not anything (nothing to report)
REPORT_ERR    Not an error, but a report of success
NOTICE_ERR    Notice of something unusual
WARNING_ERR    Event occurred at "warning" level - requested operation was completed,
but results are suspect in some way
ERROR_ERR    Event occurred at "error" level - requested operation was not properly finished,
but no internal inconsistencies resulted
XXX_ERR    Internal error, things left inconsistent - continuing could crash system
The less serious errors have lower numerical value, so it is okay to use expressions like >= WARNING_ERR. In fact, it is better to use inequalities than equalities, since later some error levels may be inserted between those of the current list. NOTHING_ERR will always be the lowest, and XXX_ERR will always be the highest.

If the severity is XXX_ERR, then the event causing it is the fault of Netica, and you should contact Norsys about it (, but if it is any of the others, you should be able to change your software to remove any problems.


This method is available in all versions.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named ErrorSeverity_ns.
See Also:
getIdNumber    Return the error's identification number
isInCategory    Return what kind of error it is

public static Vector getWarnings (
 int  severity
 Environ  env 
) throws NeticaException
Returns a vector of all the NeticaErrors in env that are at the severity level severity or higher.

For severity pass one of: REPORT_ERR, NOTICE_ERR, or WARNING_ERR.

If there are no warnings at the given severity level or higher, an empty Vector (not null) is returned.

Note, calling this method also removes all NeticaErrors currently in env, regardless of their severity level. This prevents the accumulation of the least important warnings.

The NeticaErrors returned will not contain any of level ERROR_ERR or XXX_ERR, since these result in NeticaExceptions being thrown when they occur.

int    severity    The level of errors and higher to retrieve; one of REPORT_ERR, NOTICE_ERR, or WARNING_ERR.
Environ    env    The Environment to scan for warnings.


This method is available in all versions.
Example #1:
  // First we create a cycle, and then detect the warning that it generates by
  // scanning the Environ.
  Environ env = node1.getNet().getEnviron();
  NeticaError.getWarnings( NeticaError.REPORT_ERR, env); //clears all warnings
  node1.addLink (node2);
  node2.addLink (node1);  // this creates a cycle of links
  Vector warnings = NeticaError.getWarnings( NeticaError.WARNING_ERR, env);
  Enumeration enum = warnings.elements();
  while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
      NeticaError err = (NeticaError) enum.nextElement();
      if (err.getIdNumber() == 3200) { // cycle error id # is 3200 
          System.err.println ("Oops, created a cycle.");
Example #2:
  // We read a Net from Streamer "file", and then print out any warnings that 
  // were generated.
  Environ env = file.getEnviron();
  NeticaError.getWarnings( NeticaError.REPORT_ERR, env); //clears all warnings
  net = new Net (file); // a file read can generate warnings
  Vector warnings = NeticaError.getWarnings (NeticaError.WARNING_ERR, env);
  Enumeration enum = warnings.elements();
  while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
      NeticaError err = (NeticaError) enum.nextElement();
      System.err.println ("*** WARNING ***  : " + ne);

public boolean isInCategory (
 int  errcnd 
Returns a boolean to indicate whether this error was caused by the condition errcnd.

This is to discover the reason behind an error which has occurred. It groups together errors into broad classes.

For errcnd pass one of the conditions below, and the return value will be true iff that was a cause of the error. Note that some errors could have more than one cause.

Possible values for errcnd are:
OUT_OF_MEMORY_CND    System did not have enough memory to complete operation
INCONS_FINDING_CND    Inconsistent finding (only)
USER_ABORTED_CND    User halted the method before it completed (not possible when using a Netica API version without the user interface)
FROM_DEVELOPER_CND    Your program indicated the error by constructing a NeticaException
FROM_WRAPPER_CND    Error occurred in a language specific converter for VB, JAVA, or C++, etc.

int    errcnd    The ERROR_CATEGORY to be tested.


Versions 1.30 and later have this method.
In the C Version of the API, this function is named ErrorCategory_ns.
See Also:
getIdNumber    Return the error's identification number
getMessage    Return a complete error message
getSeverity    Return how serious the error is

public String toString ( )
Returns a readable string representation of this error.

This method is available in all versions.
 try {
   net.setName ("This name is illegal");
 catch (NeticaException ne) {
 // would generate output similar to the below.  Note, a NeticaException's printStackTrace method
 // will call the toString() method of each NeticaError within it.
 **************  E R R O R  ***************
 ** ErrorNumber   = 5118
 ** ErrorSeverity = ERROR_ERR
 ** ErrorCategory =
 ** ErrorMessage  = SetNetName_bn: Name string passed is bad because 'This name is illegal' contains a space
toString in class java.lang.Object