java.lang.Object | +--norsys.netica.Environ
The background environment for all Netica operations.
Field Summary | |
static int |
The most thorough argument checking level; use only for debugging. |
static double |
The number used to represent an infinite numeric value; the negative of this number represents negative infinity. |
static int |
Turns off all argument checking. |
static int |
Only does argument checking that can be done very quickly. |
static int |
Does argument checking suitable for software development, and final releases of your software where speed is not significant. |
static double |
The number used to represent unknown or nonexistent numeric values. |
Constructor Summary | |
Environ(java.lang.String license)
Constructs an initialized Netica environment. |
Method Summary | |
java.lang.String |
controlConcurrency(java.lang.String command,
java.lang.String value)
This function is used to control how Netica operates in multi-threaded environments. |
void |
Closes down Netica and frees all its resources (e.g., memory). |
int |
Returns the current argument checking level, which is the degree to which Netica checks method call arguments. |
char |
Gets the character to use as a delimeter when creating case files. |
static Environ |
Returns the last created Environ. |
double |
Deprecated. use |
double |
Returns the current limit on memory that Netica is permitted to allocate for tables. |
char |
Gets the character used to indicate missing data when creating case files. |
java.lang.Class |
java.lang.Class |
int |
Returns the version number of Netica, multiplied by 100. |
java.lang.String |
Returns a String consisting of the full version number, a space, a code for the type of machine or OS it is running on, a comma, the name of the program, and finally a code indicating some build information (in parentheses). |
void |
setArgumentChecking(int setting)
Sets the level to which Netica checks all arguments you pass it (one of NO_CHECK, QUICK_CHECK, REGULAR_CHECK, COMPLETE_CHECK). |
void |
setCaseFileDelimChar(char newChar)
Sets the symbol used to separate data fields in a case file being created by Netica. |
void |
setMaxMemoryUsage(double maxMem)
Deprecated. use |
void |
setMemoryUsageLimit(double maxMem)
Call this method anytime to adjust the amount of memory that Netica is permitted to allocate for tables. |
void |
setMissingDataChar(char newChar)
Sets the symbol to be used for indicating missing data fields in a case file created by Netica. |
void |
setNetClass(java.lang.Class netClass)
void |
setNodeClass(java.lang.Class nodeClass)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Field Detail |
public static final int COMPLETE_CHECK |
public static final int NO_CHECK |
public static final int QUICK_CHECK |
public static final int REGULAR_CHECK |
public static double INFINITY |
public static double UNDEF_DBL |
Constructor Detail |
public Environ ( |
| ) throws NeticaException |
For license pass the license string provided to you when you purchased Netica, or null if you don't have one. The behavior of the Netica system may be limited by the license you use.
The Environ constructed becomes the "default" environment. The Net and Streamer classes have convenience constructors that assume the default environment.
Currently it is possible to have only one global environment (which can be accessed by calling the static method getDefaultEnviron).
String | license | The license string provided to you when you purchased Netica, or null if you don't have one. |
// The following is a complete Netica application. // Note that you do not need to explicitly close down a Netica environment; the garbage // collector or the operating system upon exit will free all Netica resources. public static void main (String[] args) { Environ env = new Environ (null); System.out.println ("Version of Netica-J running: " + env.getVersionString()); }
Method Detail |
public String controlConcurrency ( |
| ) throws NeticaException |
You can call it repeatedly with different values of command and value to make several settings.
If command is the string "ExternalThreads", then value may be one of:
Serialize | All calls to Netica functions are serialized by blocking at the entrance to API functions, and waiting until all other Netica API functions are completed before proceeding. This will result in correct behaviour under all multi-threading environments, but may result in delays for some of your threads if other of your threads are requesting time-consuming operations. | |
OptimizeSafely | Netica will do thread synchronization/waiting so that only one thread can operate on a Bayes net at a time, but different threads can operate on different Bayes nets independently, without any waiting. | |
CallerGuaranteesSafety | Netica does not do any thread synchronization or waiting, which means that you must manage that (which can result in failure if not done right). Only use this in a single-threaded environment (or only one thread with access to Netica), or with consultation from Norsys. | |
Other commands/values will soon be available.
String | command | The concurrency control parameter whose value is to be set. | ||
String | value | The value of the supplied command. |
RandomGenerator | In multi-thread environments, can be used to make software deterministic, by having a separate random generator for each thread | |
setMemoryUsageLimit | May want to allocate more memory in a multi-threaded environment |
public void finalize ( ) throws NeticaException |
No data structure that was returned by any Netica API method will have valid contents after calling finalize.
Netica may be stopped (with finalize) and then later restarted (with new Environ), but no data structures created by one session may be used by another.
In a multi-threaded environment, ensure that only one thread calls finalize, and after that, no threads may use any Netica method.
Generally, you need never be concerned about JAVA's virtual machine automatically garbage collecting your Environ, should it go out of scope, since all Net's and Node's maintain an internal reference to their Environ.
If you override this method, be sure to call the base class method (super.finalize();).
Environ | Creates the Environ |
in class java.lang.Object
public int getArgumentChecking ( ) throws NeticaException |
The value returned will be one of NO_CHECK, QUICK_CHECK, REGULAR_CHECK, or COMPLETE_CHECK. For more information, see setArgumentChecking.
setArgumentChecking | Sets it |
public char getCaseFileDelimChar ( ) throws NeticaException |
setCaseFileDelimChar | Sets value |
public static Environ getDefaultEnviron ( ) |
If an Environ has yet to be constructed, then null will be returned.
Use Environ to construct a new Environ.
Streamer(String) | Constructs a Streamer in the default Environ | |
Net() | Constructs a Net in the default Environ | |
Environ | Constructs an Environ, making it the default one |
public double getMemoryUsageLimit ( ) throws NeticaException |
setMemoryUsageLimit | Sets it |
public char getMissingDataChar ( ) throws NeticaException |
setMissingDataChar | Sets it |
public Class getNetClass ( ) |
public Class getNodeClass ( ) |
public int getVersion ( ) throws NeticaException |
int ver = Environ.getDefaultEnviron().getVersion(); System.out.println ("The version number of Netica-J is " + (ver / 100.0));
public String getVersionString ( ) throws NeticaException |
System.out.println ("Version of Netica-J running: " + Environ.getDefaultEnviron().getVersionString());
public void setArgumentChecking ( |
| ) throws NeticaException |
Whenever a Netica API method is called, its arguments may be automatically checked for validity. Call this method anytime to adjust the degree of checking Netica does until it is called next.
setting should be one of:
NO_CHECK | No checking | |
QUICK_CHECK | Only checks things that can be checked very quickly | |
REGULAR_CHECK | Regular checking | |
COMPLETE_CHECK | Exhaustively checks everything. |
int | setting | The new level of argument checking desired. |
getArgumentChecking | Retrieves value |
public void setCaseFileDelimChar ( |
| ) throws NeticaException |
For newchar, pass one of tab ('\t'), space (' ') or comma (',').
Whole cases are always separated by a line end (i.e., a carriage return, a newline, or both).
newchar will only be used by Netica for creating case files; while reading them it will understand any of the above choices.
char | newchar | The new character to be used. |
setMissingDataChar | Set the character used to indicate missing data | |
writeFindings | The method that uses the file delimiter character | |
getCaseFileDelimChar | (inverse method) Get the current character used for this purpose |
Environ env = Environ.getDefaultEnviron(); char oldDelim = env.getCaseFileDelimChar(); char oldMiss = env.getMissingDataChar(); env.setCaseFileDelimChar (','); env.setMissingDataChar ((char) 0); // 0 allowed only if delim char is comma // ... write the cases to file ... env.setCaseFileDelimChar (oldDelim); // restore (if desired) env.setMissingDataChar (oldMiss);
public void setMemoryUsageLimit ( |
| ) throws NeticaException |
For maxMem pass the number of bytes allowed. For example, to limit memory usage to 100 Megabytes, pass 100e6.
If Netica does not have enough memory to complete an operation, it will gracefully limit its behavior, and throw an exception explaining the problem.
This method is especially useful when running on operating systems that will provide very large amounts of virtual memory. You may not want Netica to be allowed to claim such large amounts, since this can result in excessive hard-disk usage, and very slow behavior (also known as "system thrashing"). It is also useful in keeping Netica well-behaved, if it must share memory with other running programs.
double | maxMem | The new memory allocation limit |
getMemoryUsageLimit | Retrieves value |
Environ.getDefaultEnviron().setMemoryUsageLimit (50e6); //limits table allocation space to 50MB
public void setMissingDataChar ( |
| ) throws NeticaException |
For newchar, pass one of asterisk ('*'), question mark ('?'), space (' '), or absent ((char) 0). It cannot be space or absent unless the delimiter symbol is a comma (see setCaseFileDelimChar).
newchar will only be used by Netica for creating case files; while reading them it will understand any of the above choices.
char | newchar | The new character to be used. |
setCaseFileDelimChar | Set the character used to separate data entries | |
writeFindings | The method that uses the missing data character | |
getMissingDataChar | (inverse method) Get the current character used for this purpose |
public void setNetClass ( |
| ) throws NeticaException |
public void setNodeClass ( |
| ) throws NeticaException |
public double getMaxMemoryUsage ( ) throws NeticaException |
public void setMaxMemoryUsage ( |
| ) throws NeticaException |
setMemoryUsageLimit (maxMem)