java.lang.Object | +--norsys.netica.Learner
An object for managing batch-mode learning, such as EM or Gradient Descent learning, of CPTs from case data.
Currently only batch-mode learning is supported, but it is intended that in future, all modes of learning will be managed by this class.
Field Summary | |
static int |
Indicates the case counting learning algorithm. |
static int |
Indicates the EM (Expectation Maximization) learning algorithm. |
static int |
Indicates the Gradient Descent learning algorithm. |
Constructor Summary | |
Learner(int method)
Creates and returns a new Learner object for use in learning of CPTs from case data, and associates it with the default Netica environment. |
Learner(int method,
java.lang.String info,
Environ env)
Creates and returns a new Learner object for use in learning of CPTs from case data, and associates it with a given Netica environment. |
Method Summary | |
void |
Removes the Learner object and frees all its resources (e.g., memory). |
Environ |
Returns the Environ that this object belongs to. |
int |
Returns the maximum number of learning-step iterations for learnCPTs. |
double |
Returns the tolerance for the minimum change in data log likelihood between consecutive passes through the data, as a termination condition for any learning to be done by learner. |
int |
Returns the algorithmic method used by this learner, one of COUNTING_LEARNING, EM_LEARNING, or GRADIENT_DESCENT_LEARNING. |
void |
learnCPTs(NodeList nodeList,
Caseset caseset,
double degree)
Performs learning of CPT tables from data. |
void |
setMaxIterations(int maxIterations)
Sets the maximum number of learning-step iterations (i.e., complete passes through the data) which will be done when learner is used, after which learning will be automatically terminated. |
void |
setMaxTolerance(double logLikelihoodTolerance)
Sets the tolerance for the minimum change in data log likelihood between consecutive passes through the data, as a termination condition for any learning to be done by learner. |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Field Detail |
public static int COUNTING_LEARNING |
public static int EM_LEARNING |
Constructor Detail |
public Learner ( |
| ) throws NeticaException |
After creating this object, you use it to set the learning parameters you want, and then you pass it to a learning method, such as learnCPTs, to actually perform the learning on some net using some data file.
method should be one of COUNTING_LEARNING, EM_LEARNING, or GRADIENT_DESCENT_LEARNING. See learnCPTs for a description of how each learning algorithm operates.
This method is identical to calling new Learner(method,null,Environ.getDefaultEnviron()).
int | method | The type of learning algorithm that this Learner should use: one of COUNTING_LEARNING, EM_LEARNING, or GRADIENT_DESCENT_LEARNING. |
Learner(int,Environ) | Same, but for any environment | |
setMaxIterations | Set the maximum number of iterations (if applicable) it will do when learning | |
setMaxTolerance | Set the maximum tolerance (if applicable) it will allow before termination | |
learnCPTs | Performs the learning | |
finalize | Discard the Learner |
public Learner ( |
| ) throws NeticaException |
After creating this object, you use it to set the learning parameters you want, and then you pass it to a learning method, such as learnCPTs, to actually perform the learning on some net using some data file. When done, you discard the Learner with finalize.
Pass null for options; it is only for future expansion.
method must be one of COUNTING_LEARNING, EM_LEARNING, or GRADIENT_DESCENT_LEARNING. See learnCPTs for a description of how each learning algorithm operates.
int | method | The type of learning method that this Learner should use: one of COUNTING_LEARNING, EM_LEARNING, or GRADIENT_DESCENT_LEARNING. | ||
String | options | For future expandability. Pass null for now. | ||
Environ | env | The Environ in which this new Learner will be placed. |
setMaxIterations | Set the maximum number of iterations (if applicable) it will do when learning | |
setMaxTolerance | Set the maximum tolerance (if applicable) it will allow before termination | |
learnCPTs | Performs the learning | |
finalize | Discard the Learner | |
RandomGenerator | May also want this to control randomization |
See addCases
Method Detail |
public void finalize ( ) throws NeticaException |
Learner | Create a new Learner |
in class java.lang.Object
public Environ getEnviron ( ) |
public int getMaxIterations ( ) throws NeticaException |
See setMaxIterations for additional documentation.
Learner | Create a new Learner | |
setMaxIterations | Sets it | |
getMaxTolerance | Retrieves another termination parameter | |
learnCPTs | Performs the learning iterations |
public double getMaxTolerance ( ) throws NeticaException |
See setMaxTolerance for additional documentation.
setMaxTolerance | Sets it | |
getMaxIterations | Retrieves another termination parameter | |
learnCPTs | Performs the learning |
public int getMethod ( ) |
public void learnCPTs ( |
| ) throws NeticaException |
nodeList is the list of nodes whose experience and conditional probability tables are to be updated by learning. They must all be from the same net. Other nodes in that net will not be modified.
cases is the set of cases to be used for learning.
degree is the frequency factor to apply to each case in the case set. It must be greater than zero. It gets multiplied by the "NumCases" (multiplicity number) which appears for each case in the file (if the number doesn't appear in the file, it is taken as 1).
When you create the Learner (see Learner), you choose the algorithm you wish, which may be one of:
1. Counting Learning
) ... . It is the preferred learning method to use, if there are no hidden (also known as 'latent') nodes in the net and no missing values in the case data. If there are hidden variables, that is, variables for which you have no observations, but you suspect exist and can be useful for modeling your world, or if there are a substantial number of missing values in the case data, then the iterative learning algorithms may yield better results.
Because this learning method is not iterative, setMaxIterations and setMaxTolerance have no affect on it.
2. EM Learning
3. Gradient Descent Learning
After the Learner is created, you can set the termination conditions for it. For both EM learning and gradient descent learning, the two possible termination conditions are the maximum number of iterations of the whole batch of cases (see setMaxIterations), and the minimum change in log likelihood from one pass through the batch to the next (see setMaxTolerance). Termination will occur when either of the two conditions are met. For Counting learning, there currently are no termination conditions to set.
NodeList | nodeList | The list of nodes from the net whose case data will be used for learning the remainder of the net. | ||
Caseset | caseset | The case set whose cases will be used for learning. | ||
double | degree | The frequency factor to apply to each case in the case set. |
Learner | Creates the learner | |
setMaxIterations | Sets a learning termination parameter: the maximum number of batch iterations | |
setMaxTolerance | Sets a learning termination parameter: the minimum log likelihood increase | |
Caseset | Creates the Caseset | |
reviseCPTsByCaseFile | Uses a different learning algorithm (better suited if there is little missing data) | |
deleteTables | May want to do this before learning |
See addCases
public void setMaxIterations ( |
| ) throws NeticaException |
Learning may be terminated earlier, if it first reaches another limit, such as learner's maximum tolerance limit (see setMaxTolerance).
maxIterations must be greater than 0. The default is 1000.
int | maxIterations | The maximum number of learning-step iterations that learnCPTs is allowed to perform. |
Learner | Creates the Learner | |
setMaxTolerance | Sets another termination parameter | |
getMaxIterations | Retrieves value | |
learnCPTs | Performs the learning using this parameter |
public void setMaxTolerance ( |
| ) throws NeticaException |
When learning is performed, with each iteration (i.e., pass through the complete data set), the "log likelihood" of the data given the net is computed. The log likelihood is the per-case average of the negative of the logarithm of the probability of the case given the current Bayes net (structure + CPTs). When the difference between the computed log-likelihoods for two consecutive passes falls below this tolerance, the algorithm is halted. So, the closer this tolerance is to zero, the longer the algorithm may take.
The algorithm may terminate earlier if another termination condition is met, such as the maximum number of iterations (see setMaxIterations).
logLikelihoodTolerance must be greater than 0.0. The default is 1.0e-5.
double | logLikelihoodTolerance | The value to make this tolerance. |
setMaxIterations | Sets another termination parameter | |
getMaxTolerance | Retrieves value | |
learnCPTs | Performs the learning using this parameter |