Working with Cases

Entering:  To enter a case in a Bayes net, simply enter each of its findings.

Removing:  To remove the current case from a belief net, make sure no nodes are selected, and choose Cases Remove Findings, or click the image\DelCaseTOOL.gif  toolbar button.  It will leave the net with no findings entered, and if it is an auto-updating net, then its beliefs will be updated to reflect that.  If some nodes are selected when you choose Remove Findings, then only the findings for those nodes will be retracted.

Saving:  You can save cases in files and read them back in.

Reporting:  To create a text table showing the current case, use Report Findings.  Using other choices on the Report menu you can control its appearance and destination.  To locate all the nodes that have any finding, or just a likelihood finding, you can select them.

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