Visual Basic Example Code

Below is an example VB program that does the same thing as the "Demo" program that ships with Netica C-API.  There is a Visual Studio project for it, called "Netica Demo for VB" within the " Netica\Netica xxx\Programming Examples " folder of the Netica download package. (more info on programming Netica in VB)


Sub Main()

On Error GoTo Failed


Dim app As Netica.Application

app = New Netica.Application

app.Visible = True


Dim net_file_name As String

net_file_name = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory() & "..\..\..\ChestClinic.dne"

Dim net As Netica.Bnet

net = app.ReadBNet(app.NewStream(net_file_name))



Dim TB As Netica.BNode

TB = net.Nodes.Item("Tuberculosis")

Dim belief As Double

belief = TB.GetBelief("present")

MsgBox("The probability of tuberculosis is " & belief)



belief = TB.GetBelief("present")

MsgBox("Given an abnormal X-Ray, the probability of tuberculosis is " & belief)



belief = TB.GetBelief("present")

MsgBox("Given abnormal X-Ray and visit to Asia, the probability of tuberculosis is " & belief)



belief = TB.GetBelief("present")

MsgBox("Given abnormal X-Ray, Asia visit, and lung cancer, the probability of tuberculosis is " & belief)



If Not app.UserControl Then


End If


Exit Sub



MsgBox("NeticaDemo: Error " & (Err.Number And &H7FFFS) & ": " & Err.Description)


End Sub



Below is an example that reads in a net from the Examples folder (you may have to change the path), then reads in cases and does belief updating.



Sub Main()

On Error GoTo Failed


Dim app As Netica.Application

app = New Netica.Application

Dim casefile As Streamer

Dim net As Bnet

Set netfile = app.NewStream("C:\Netica Data\BNs\Car_Diagnosis_0_Learned.dne")

Set casefile = app.NewStream("C:\Netica Data\Cases\Good Cases\Car Cases 10.cas")

Set net = app.ReadBNet(netfile)

net.AutoUpdate = 1


Dim lights_node As Bnode

Set lights_node = net.Node("Lights")

Dim lights_dim As Long

lights_dim = lights_node.GetStateIndex("dim")

Dim id As Long

Dim fr As Double

Dim caseposn As Long

Dim done As Boolean

done = False

caseposn = FirstCase



net.ReadFindings case_posn:=caseposn, stream:=casefile, IDNum:=id, freq:=fr

net.ReadFindings case_posn:=caseposn, stream:=casefile, nodes:=net.Nodes, IDNum:=id, freq:=fr

If caseposn = NoMoreCases Then

done = True


MsgBox "Belief in Lights dim = " & lights_node.GetBelief(lights_dim)

End If

caseposn = NextCase

Loop Until done


Exit Sub



MsgBox "Error " & ((err.Number And &H7FFF) - 10000) & ": " & err.Description

End Sub




Here is how you could set the CPTs of the "Chest Clinic" example from the manual:


Dim VisitAsia As BNode, Tuberculosis As BNode, Smoking As BNode

Dim Cancer As BNode, XRay As BNode, TbOrCa As BNode

Set VisitAsia = net.Node("VisitAsia")


Set TbOrCa = net.Node("TbOrCa")



Dim p(0 To 1) As Single


p(0) = 0.01: p(1) = 0.99: VisitAsia.CPTable("") = p


p(0) = 0.05: p(1) = 0.95: Tuberculosis.CPTable(Array(0)) = p

p(0) = 0.01: p(1) = 0.99: Tuberculosis.CPTable(Array(1)) = p


p(0) = 0.5: p(1) = 0.5: Smoking.CPTable("") = p


p(0) = 0.1: p(1) = 0.9: Cancer.CPTable(Array(0)) = p:

p(0) = 0.01: p(1) = 0.99: Cancer.CPTable(Array(1)) = p


p(0) = 0.98: p(1) = 0.02: XRay.CPTable(Array(0)) = p

p(0) = 0.05: p(1) = 0.95: XRay.CPTable(Array(1)) = p


p(0) = 1: p(1) = 0: TbOrCa.CPTable(Array(0, 0)) = p:

p(0) = 1: p(1) = 0: TbOrCa.CPTable(Array(0, 1)) = p:

p(0) = 1: p(1) = 0: TbOrCa.CPTable(Array(1, 0)) = p:

p(0) = 0: p(1) = 1: TbOrCa.CPTable(Array(1, 1)) = p:


Here are 6 alternate ways to set the CPT of the TbOrCa node.


Dim p(0 To 1) As Single

Dim s(0 To 1) As Integer

s(1) = 0: s(0) = 0: p(0) = 1: p(1) = 0: TbOrCa.CPTable(s) = p:

s(0) = 1: TbOrCa.CPTable(s) = p:

s(1) = 1: s(0) = 0: TbOrCa.CPTable(s) = p:

s(0) = 1: p(0) = 0: p(1) = 1: TbOrCa.CPTable(s) = p:



Dim p(0 To 1) As Single

p(0) = 1: p(1) = 0: TbOrCa.CPTable("present,present") = p:

p(0) = 1: p(1) = 0: TbOrCa.CPTable("present,absent") = p:

p(0) = 1: p(1) = 0: TbOrCa.CPTable("absent,present") = p:

p(0) = 0: p(1) = 1: TbOrCa.CPTable("absent,absent") = p:



TbOrCa.StateFuncTable("present,present") = "true":

TbOrCa.StateFuncTable("present,absent") = "true":

TbOrCa.StateFuncTable("absent,present") = "true":

TbOrCa.StateFuncTable("absent,absent") = "false":



TbOrCa.CPTable("*,*") = Array(1, 0)

TbOrCa.CPTable("absent,absent") = Array(0, 1)



TbOrCa.StateFuncTable("*,*") = "true"

TbOrCa.StateFuncTable("absent,absent") = "false"



TbOrCa.Equation = "TbOrCa (Tuberculosis, Cancer) = (Tuberculosis || Cancer)"

TbOrCa.EquationToTable num_samples:=1, samp_unc:=False, add_exist:=False


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