While working in a table dialog box, the Table menu is often useful. Select some cells or rows you wish to operate on, and then choose a command from the menu (if no cells are selected, the command is applied to all the cells).
→ Fill
in Missing enters a probability into empty cells so that the probabilities
of each selected row add up to 1.0 (i.e. 100%). Any row having no
empty cells, more than one empty cell, or X
cells will simply be ignored. The corresponding toolbar button
is the one with the number entering the empty cell: .
Table → Uniform Probabilities will set the selected rows of a probability table to uniform probability vectors, which means that all states of the node are equally probable. So all the cells of these rows will contain the number 1/(number of states), expressed as a percentage.
→ Randomize
works on probabilistic or deterministic tables. For deterministic
tables it sets each selected cell to one picked randomly from the possible
states of the node, following a uniform distribution (i.e. each state
equally probable). For probabilistic tables it sets the cells of
each selected row to randomly selected probabilities. Of course,
the probabilities of each row will add to 1.0 (i.e. 100%). The distribution
of the probabilities entered is not
uniform (it favors numbers closer to 0 in an attempt to better match realistic
distributions). The corresponding toolbar button has one die over
the relation
→ Remove
will convert all the selected cells to empty
cells. If there are selected cells, then pressing the delete key will have
the same effect. The toolbar button consists of the relation symbol
covered by a red X:
Table → Build From Other Net will build the cpts of your current net based on the cpts of another net. More info
Short-cut: Many of these commands can also be done from the net window, without using any table dialog box, by selecting the nodes of interest, and then choosing the menu command from the Table menu. It will apply to the entire table of all the selected nodes.
Discontinued Table Functions: After version 3.08, the following Table menu items are discontinued: Check and Normalize.
Home > Node Tables > Table Menu Commands