You can right-click on nodes, links and the net background. Right-clicking on the background is for operations that apply to the net in general. In all cases, a menu will appear from which you can choose an operation. If you are using a Mac, read this FAQ page to find a right-clicking alternative.
Menu Contents: The contents of the menus which appear may vary from time-to-time depending on the status of the object being clicked on, and what other objects are selected. For instance, the Align item appears only if at least 2 nodes are selected, and Space Evenly only if 3 or more nodes are selected. The choices for adding links depend on whether or not any nodes are selected, and whether or not you click on a selected node (you should try the three possibilities to see the different ways you can add links). If you don't see something that is usually there, try the overhead menu.
Selection: If you want an operation to apply to several nodes or links at once, select them, and then right-click on one of the selected ones. Even if some are selected, if you right-click on one that isn't selected, the operation will apply to that one only. However, there are a few menu entries that always apply only to the element being clicked on, even if it is part of a selected set. They are: Properties, Select and Deselect (which allow you to easily add or remove elements from the selected set). More info on doing operations on multiple nodes at once.
User-Defined Fields: Right-clicking provides a great way to examine or set the user-defined fields of a node or a net, instead of using the node properties dialog box. Right-click on the node or net background, choose Modify → User Defined, and a menu will appear listing all the fields for that node and their values in "field = value" form. By choosing one of the items, you can change it. You can even set the fields for several nodes at once.
Network: In
general, the right-clicking menus have the same functions as the overhead
ones, but there are some differences, described in the sections on adding nodes, adding titles/text,
duplicating the net and selecting
You can also use right-clicking to change the internal name of your
net by right-clicking on the background
and choosing Modify →
Rename. You will be requested
to enter an ID
name that will be stored with the net and used to identify
it by Netica
API (this is different from the name in the title bar, which
is based on the file name the net is saved to, although if the internal
name is not set, it will also be based on the file name). The choices
in the menu Modify →
Default Node Style set the default
node styles for the net (the same as the overhead Style menu when no nodes
are selected).
Home > Creating Bayes Nets > Right-Clicking