Report Subjects

Netica can generate text reports on:


Summary information on the whole net.  example

Custom Report

Tailored information on a node(s) or the whole net.

Findings (Case)

The findings (i.e. "case" or "evidence") currently entered, including likelihood ("virtual") findings.  example


A list of all equations of nodes.  Choosing the Horizontal Format option prints them in internal form.  example


The current beliefs (i.e. posterior probabilities) for nature nodes, and expected utilities for decision nodes.  example


The list of nodes within the requested set.  example

CPT Tables

The node relation as a conditional probability table (CPT) or function table.  example

List of Selected

A list of the names of the nodes currently selected.  example

 Junction Tree

Details of the net compilation process.  example

Elimination Order

The order used during compiling.  example

Links to Excel

Hot-links to the node beliefs.  example

Each of the above is an item of the Report menu, and choosing it will generate that report.  You can also set options or change the destination of the report.  You can also print a report directly from Netica.

Which Nodes:  The Network, Junction Tree and Elimination Order reports always apply to the whole net.  List of Selected, CPT Tables and Links to Paste in Excel reports apply only to the nodes currently selected.  The others apply to the selected nodes if some are selected, or the whole net if none are.

If the Findings report is done with nodes selected, they will all be listed in the report, but their findings will be left blank if they don’t have one.  If no nodes are selected, only those nodes having a finding will be listed.

Dimmed:  Junction Tree and Elimination Order will be dimmed if the net is not compiled List of Selected, CPT Tables and Links to Paste in Excel will be dimmed if no nodes are selected.

List of Selected can be used to save the current set of selected nodes, to later be restored with Edit Select Nodes Listed in Clipboard.  It is also useful after an Edit Find All search to generate a text list of the found nodes.

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