Node Name and Title Display

Every node has a name, but there are restrictions on names.  To provide you with greater flexibility in labeling nodes, some or all of the nodes can also be given a title, which has no restrictions.  One of the style options of nodes is how the name and title are displayed on them.

To have all the nodes of the active net displayed using their name, choose Name from the Style menu, to display them by title choose Title, or to display them using both, choose Name: Title or Title (Name).  The choice that you make will apply to all the nodes of the net, for both screen displays and printing displays.

To change the name or title of a node, use the node dialog box.

If you are displaying nodes by title, and some nodes don’t have a title, then their name will be used instead.  The starting style of a new net is Title, but you might not notice this if you don’t enter any titles, since then just the node names will appear.


* If you do not want to display  the name or title of a node, select the node and choose Style Circle.

See also Placing Text on Net Diagram

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