
Getting Started

Welcome to Netica Application from Norsys.  Netica is a versatile, fast, user-friendly program that you can use to find patterns in data, create diagrams encoding knowledge or representing decision problems, use these to answer queries and find optimal decisions, and create probabilistic expert systems.  It is suitable for applications in the areas of diagnosis, prediction, decision analysis, probabilistic modeling, risk management, expert system building, sensor fusion, reliability analysis, and certain kinds of statistical analysis and data mining.

Netica API:  This guide is for Netica Application; it is not for the Netica Programmer’s Library, also known as "Netica API" (Application Program Interface).  The API is a module with much of the same functionality as Netica Application, but designed for programmers to embed in their programs.  For help with the API, use the C API Webdocs or other online API manuals.

Web Site:  You can visit the Norsys website for older versions of Netica, versions of Netica for other platforms, Netica API, example nets, tutorials and more information.

Version:  You can determine the version of this guide by clicking on the Netica icon in the upper right hand of the screen.  Ideally, it should at least approximately match the version of Netica, which you can find by choosing Help About Netica from within Netica. (features of new version)

Prerequisites:  This guide assumes that you are familiar with using the Microsoft Windows operating system.  It also assumes familiarity with Bayesian belief networks (Bayes nets) or influence diagrams, although it is very suitable for someone who is in the process of learning about them.  To learn more about the concepts and applications of BBNs, explore our introductory references, the tutorial nets in our  Bayes net library, and the tutorial examples that came with your Netica download.

Next Steps:  First you may want to read the legalities, and a description of Netica Application and Netica API.  Then install Netica and take the Quick Tour for an introduction.  For background reading, you may want to see introductory references.  Then you are ready for the in-depth topics of Netica.

Feedback:  Please email Norsys with your questions and comments about Netica or this onscreen help document.  To learn more about our design philosophy, click here.

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