
Many Netica users have, for some time been using Netica in conjunction with GIS (Geographic Information Systems), so we decided to make it easier for you.

The result is GeoNetica™, our latest Netica product, which brings Bayes nets to the 2D world of GIS.

This product is in its early stages, but since it is already very useful to some, we have decided to make it available for sale to select clients now, with the idea that they are entitled to new upgrades as features are added.  Additionally, we will listen closely to early clients, to decide which new features to add.

Currently it:

   - Operates on raster data, such as raster output files from ArcGIS.

   - Works inside Netica window.

   - Shows multiple input and output GIS images at desired resolution.

   - Allows processing at lower resolution for quick exploration and model building before doing a full resolution processing.

   - Can click on any point within an image to enter data from that location from each of the images into the Bayes net to see how the Bayes net processes it.

   - Can hover cursor over image, to display data on that point.

   - Can auto-discretize nodes based on image data.

   - Can directly interact with the Bayes net on each processing cycle, for quick what-if analysis.

   - Can handle input images that are not exactly the same location, and different resolutions.

   - Works with any Bayes net model, including ones with equations, probabilistic tables, and learned from data.

   - Bayes net could be for prediction, classification, diagnosis, probabilistic processing, species models, water management, etc.

   - Example input images are elevation, slope, aspect, ground vegetation, species population, water, climate, rainfall, soils, satellite images, traversability, friend/foe positions, municipal zoning, building type, population density, pollutant levels, mineral assays, rock type, accessibility, marketing data, income levels, crime rates, property costs, political party, etc.

Features coming soon:

   - Can learn Bayes net models from GIS data.

   - Easier for Bayes net models to include data from other pixels near to the one being operated on.

Other planned features:

   - Operate on vector data as well as raster data.

   - Interface nicely with commercially available GIS systems.

How to:  Once you go through the approval process and place an order for GeoNetica™, you will be issued a password to unlock the GIS features.  Be sure you have first purchased and installed  version 5.12 (or later) of Netica Application.  

Then follow these steps:

1. Choose File  Netica Password, and remove your existing Netica password.

2. Exit Netica.

3. Launch it again, and when it asks for a password, enter your new password.

4. To begin a GeoNetica project, open a net, then choose File  New  GeoNetica Project.

If you are interested in purchasing GeoNetica™, please contact Norsys.

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