Navigation and Resizing

Using the scroll bars you can move around to view or work on various areas of the net.  The Home, End, Page Up and Page down keys and arrow keys may be used as well.  While you are moving a node or a link bend, you can make the window scroll by attempting to drag them outside the window in the direction you wish to scroll.  The further you go outside, the faster it scrolls.

The fastest and most popular way to navigate to a new spot is to use Global Zoom.

Sometimes the easiest way to scroll to a node that you know the name of is to use Find.  And you can jump to the end of a link by right-clicking it and choosing Find Parent or Find Child.

You can also scroll by holding the alt key down and clicking on the background.  The cursor turns into a hand, indicating that holding the mouse button down and dragging the mouse will "push" the net diagram in that direction.

Go Back:  To have Netica automatically scroll to the place where you were previously editing (or clicked the mouse button), choose Edit Go Back, or press ctrl+shift+g.  Pressing it again will take you to the place before that, and so on.  Eventually you will return to the starting position, so you can quickly cycle through the last 6 places visited by rapidly pressing the key.

Drawing Size:  The area within which you can create a net diagram is a rectangle of certain size.  Once you scroll to the end of it you cannot scroll any further.  This area is increased automatically when needed, such as when dragging or pasting nodes past its boundary, or enlarging the window (including maximizing or zooming) bigger than its size.

You can also manually change the size of this area by choosing Layout Drawing Size.  Entering blanks in the dialog box that comes up will make the size as small as possible to contain everything.  The drawing size is entered as the number of pages wide by the number of pages tall.  The size of a page is based on how much your printer puts on one printed page, so it is influenced by File Printer Setup (see Printing).

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