Purpose: You will often bring up a table dialog box just to view the relation it represents. For example, if you have just solved a decision net, you can use it to view the optimal decision functions that Netica has found. However, its main purpose is to enter or change node relations when building a Bayes net or decision net, or doing what-if analysis with an existing net.
Deterministic: If the dialog box is for a deterministic relation, then you change a table entry (also known as a cell of the table) simply by clicking down on top of it, and then making a choice from the pop-up menu which appears.
Probabilistic: If the dialog box is for a probabilistic relation, then you change a probability by clicking on it to select it, and then typing in the new number. Or you can click on it to select it, then click within the selection where you want to change a few digits. You can enter the numbers as decimal fractions (e.g. 0.25) or percentages (e.g. 25) by changing the table selector.
Navigating: When a cell is being edited, the insertion point will be flashing where new digits will enter. You can use ← or → keys to move it around within the number, and if it gets to the edge of the number, it will jump to the next cell in that direction. Further presses will jump to subsequent cells in that direction. The ↑ and ↓ arrow keys can be used in the same way to jump to cells above or below the currently selected or edited cell. Pressing the tab key jumps to the “next” cell, which is the cell to the right of the current one, unless it is at the end of the line, in which case it is the first cell on the next line. Another way to navigate, useful in large tables, is to pick the parent value.
Choose Table →
Enter Experience to enter uniform
experience tables for all selected
nodes at once.
Home > Node Tables > Changing Table Entries